Welcome to Photoarchive3D.org

Photoarchive 3D is a digitized archive of original stereographic 19th and early 20th century historical images. When viewed by a single person looking through a binocular stereoscope, these reconstruct a scene in three dimensions, complete with depth, creating a “Victorian virtual reality.” Only a fraction of the millions of views produced have survived, and we here present a sampling of the broad range of available subjects including exotic locations, people of the world, historic events, and material aspects of life 100-150 years ago.
Upcoming Events
We do live projections in glorious 3D on big screens for organizations, museums, and schools. Topics are tailored to interests of the audience, drawn from our massive digital archive of 35,000 images. Come to one of our events, or look at the list of talks we have already presented.
A 3D “First Look” at Egypt by 19th Century Europeans
January 3, 2025 (Session 1E, 8:00-10:30am)
Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia
George L. Mutter
3D stereophotography of ancient Egyptian sites, installations, and objects first became practical in 1853-6. “Published” in large numbers, they transported viewers from their parlors to previously unseen worlds. Surviving examples are primary documents of early exhibitions, and a window into the perspective of western photographers catering to European and American interests. Advance Registration with the AIA is Required.